Tiling a VLE
The tiles make it easy to navigate the different area on the VLE. The Student Area is cleverly laid out, allowing them to access the Student Council, Prefects Area, ICT Student Group and their Houses. There are also options to the other two main areas on the VLE which are Learning and Co-curricular.
The Downside VLE seen in our previous article here is what we would like to call a wholesome VLE. Built not only to complement classroom teaching and focus on learning, it’s a handsome VLE with access to areas of learning, co-curricular, pastoral support, chaplaincy and the student houses.
The user interface on the VLE is fashioned in the form of tiles and the fluid layout makes it approachable, friendly and easy on the eyes. The Co-curricular area allows students to access the 6 main activities while other activities can be found listed under Clubs and Activities placed in a double width tile.
As Downside School employs a House Structure for its students, the VLE is of no exception. It is able to mirror the house structure and provide for the houses; individual areas of which its’ students can communicate, follow up on events, collaborate of activities and network.
Admittedly, the biggest tiled space is the Learning Area, after all, this is a VLE. The Learning Space is split into the different Subjects allowing students to access all relevant resources and courses in each subject with a single click.
Visit the Downside School VLE
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