Top 14 Best Learning Podcast Channels for Kids
In a world where children are glued to a tablet or computer to keep them busy, why not connect them with educational and entertaining content geared to their special and unique interests?
If you are old enough, you remember the radio plays that would come on after dinner or on Sunday mornings. The whole family would gather by the radio to listen and enjoy. Well, guess what! You can have that experience all over again, only this time, you get to control what you listen to – and when!
Welcome to the amazing world of podcasts! Now there are a vast array of podcasts available for all ages and many interests. Your children (and you!) can enjoy bedtime stories, periodicals and on-going series geared to your child’s unique tastes.
Some are available on iTunes free and others through a web browser or a downloadable App.

Subject: Science!
To start you off, here are three science themed podcasts:
Wow in the World

Wow in the World is science-focused show aimed at kids in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, produced by NPR and hosted by Mindy and Guy Raz @guyraz and Mindy Thomas @AbsolutelyMindy. Follow the show @WowintheWorld and It is extremely entertaining, fast-paced and loads of fun.
It is available on iTunes and you can subscribe to the episodes on their website.
Brains On!

Brains On is a science show for kids in the 5th-7th grades and is produced by Southern California Public Radio. It is hosted by both an adult and a child and is beautifully produced with special guests, interesting sound effects and fun facts.
It is available on iTunes and on their website.

Tumble is geared to kids in 1st-5th grades. Hosts Lindsay and Marshall interview scientists to get answers to real life questions like ‘what killed the dinosaurs?’
Kids voices help animate and narrate the show. It is available on iTunes or from their website.
Subject: Fun Stuff and Stories!
For stories and entertainment, here are 7 more podcast covering the fun stuff.
Short and Curly

Short and Curly is a show based in Australia that’s focused on ethics. Kids grapple with ethical questions then discuss the outcomes in a both serious and humorous way.
It is available on iTunes and on their website.
The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel

The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel is an award-winning, serialized mystery geared to 8-12-year-old’s, told by kids the same age. The plot involves three pals out to find two missing friends.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The Mysterious Mysteries of Toby Taylor: The Fruit Magician

The Mysterious Mysteries of Toby Taylor: The Fruit Magician is from the creators of The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd, Saturday Morning Theatre. The presents a series of audio dramas in a variety themes: Westerns, mysteries (like the one pictured here), Comedies and Adventure Stories. They are well-produced with loads of sound effects and professional voices; these shows are super entertaining.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd is a serialized adventure story for school-aged kids told in the style of vintage radio. The episodes are quite short, about seven minutes each – so they will hold a young child’s attention.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian

The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian is a serialized, very cool science-fiction podcast for junior school kids told in short (15-20 minute) segments, perfect to play in the car when you’re driving to and from after-school activities.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The Beanies

The Beanies is an Australian-based podcast, aimed at a younger audience (preschool through to the first grade). They offer a blend of stories and song to keep young one engaged and entertained.
It is available on iTunes and from their website
Story Pirates

Is your child an aspiring writer? Story Pirates is a fabulous podcast for all kids to listen to and get them thinking about their own stories. Each episode begins with the reading of a story written by a real kid! Then, the hosts of the show present the story as a humorous, highly engaging audio play.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
Subject: History and Geography
Then there are podcasts covering the subject of history and geography:

BackStory! Not specifically aimed at kids, but great for all ages. The History Guys bring history to life in a fun and engaging manner.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The Past and the Curious

The Past and the Curious is super kid-friendly and equally compelling for adults too! History. Stories. Music. Fun. This is the actual briefPODCAST-PASTANDCURIOUS description of this podcast on my player. Each episode is approximately 20-30 minutes, and is focused on a specific person or event in history. Best-suited to kids ages 7-11 and parents of all ages.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
Anytown, USA

Anytown, USA Each episode explores a random city or town within the USA. The hosts dive deep into an interesting event or fantastic story about that town or location.
It’s a lot of fun an offers a much more engaging way to present history to kids 10+.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
The British History Podcast

The British History Podcast is a chronological history of Britain that is told through the stories of people, rather than events. A subject that can be a bit dry is made more compelling by making it about the people who affected history in Britain.
It is available on iTunes and from their website.
With the busy schedules families have, playing a podcast in the car on the way to football or ballet will keep the whole family entertained and educated! With these and more available free, you cannot go wrong!
You will never hear ‘MOM! I’m BOORRRRED!’ Again.