Artcyclopedia carries information on over 9000 artists and 2900 art sites indexed with plenty of other resources. Use the worldwide art museums directory to find the art galleries near you or list the different artists by art movements, medium, subject, nationality and women artists.
If you know the artist by name, use the search form on the front page (see screenshot) to learn more about him or her. Once you’ve found your artist, the site presents a bunch of related links such as where the artwork is featured, which museum or public galleries worldwide that carries the artwork and links to Flickr, Google and Bing to look at images of the artist’s art work.
There are also quick links to articles and reference sites such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Getty Museum and Wikipedia if you wish to research the history of the artist. If you are lucky, you might also come across multimedia content such as public radio or television interviews with the artist.