Here at ColourMyLearning we are really enthusiastic and excited about building a community that comes together to share thoughts, ideas, opinions, experiences, tips, how-tos, in fact, anything that you think may be of interest to a teacher, student, parent and learner – we would love to hear about.

We have an average of 35K readership per month with numbers spiking significantly near the holiday seasons. We have strong plans in place it establish and grow a focussed, loyal following, both in subscriber numbers and on social media.
As a site focussed on all aspects learning, from learning technologies to resources, books, videos and e-courses, we often find ourselves overwhelmed at the possibilities, but reaching out to our community, to you, we hope to be able to bring you more news and information that will be of interest and benefit to you, our readers.
We welcome guest post submissions that are inline with our ideals and philosophies. Before you submit your article, please read our Submission Guidelines.
Share your knowledge & experience
ColourMyLearning is always about providing valuable information to our readers. We have an established reputation as a website that provides real, solid, well-researched information. These of course, carry over to our guest bloggers.
For each accepted guest post, we will include space for an Author box and a link back to your own website or blog. Your article will be included in our scheduled mail out, reaching thousands of readers on our mailing list. Once published, your article will be shared on social media to our dedicated audience.
What we ask of you, is that you contact the relevant bloggers or website owners who you mention in your post, and when your post is published, we expect you to respond to any comments or queries that are published.
How to submit?
Send your pitches or completed article together with your full name and a short bio. You are also invited to include a personal website address (not for a company you work for) and any social media handles you wish to have included along with your profile. We prefer article submissions as a Google Doc, but we will accept Word documents. In submitting your article you agree to our terms and conditions as outlined in our Submission Guidelines.
Read the Submission Guidelines I have read the guideline and wish to submit a guest post